(Europay, Mastercard and Visa, "EMV", is an international term).

EMV is a global standard for secure card payments that increases fraud protection through integrated microchips and PIN authentication.


EMV stands for "Europay, Mastercard and Visa" and refers to an international security standard for card payments. Instead of conventional magnetic stripes, EMV technology uses integrated microchips on cards, which offer greater security. The combination of chip and PIN authentication minimizes the risk of fraud and unauthorized transactions.

Many different payment providers, integrates EMV technology into its solutions to ensure safe and secure online payments. Using EMV significantly reduces the likelihood of payment fraud.

EMC examples

A customer uses an EMV-enabled credit card to make secure online purchases using the chip and PIN.

When paying in a store, the customer's card is inserted into an EMV terminal to securely process the payment.

A merchant uses EMV technology to protect against fraud and accept trustworthy payments from customers.


  • The implementation of EMV technology brings a wide range of benefits. One key aspect is the increased security it offers for card payments. The integration of microchips in EMV cards significantly increases the protection mechanisms against fraud. Moreover, PIN authentication enables an additional layer of security that makes it more difficult for stolen cards to be used without authorization. This increases consumer confidence in card payments and minimizes potential risks.

  • Yes, EMV cards today often offer contactless payment capabilities as well. This convenient technology allows users to simply hold the card near a compatible reader to complete the transaction. These contactless payments offer speed and convenience without sacrificing the security features of EMV technology.

  • The abbreviation "EMV" stands for "Europay, Mastercard and Visa". Originally developed by these three major credit card companies, the term refers to the international security standard for card payments. This standard has gained worldwide acceptance and is now used by many financial institutions and credit card companies.

  • EMV-enabled cards contain embedded microchips that enable secure storage and processing of transaction data. These chips provide dynamic encryption that generates a unique code element for each transaction. This technology greatly enhances the security of card payments by making stolen data less useful to fraudsters. This advanced security structure ensures that card payments are more resistant to potential attacks.